Ala (Dream) Olokun Gallery

(1 customer review)
About the Artwork

Glimpses into the future and memories from the past intertwine when we close our eyes to the power of unconsciousness. Some of these moments cross the valley of our mind stream to conscious life so that when we wake up they are there waiting. We could keep them alive with hope or bury them in worry. The artist believes this choice is an existential bane. This is another work from the collection where we find the bright orange moon illuminating the entire piece. The artist cleverly casts the feminine terracotta head that remains central to this collection at the fore of the moon, depicting Omo Alade and Ominira. While the artist employs a close composite in this piece, he still succeeds in reproducing his belief in the importance of a woman’s aspirations in the modern world. At a proper glance, there is a speech on balance defined in symmetry, similar to the concept we find in Irin Ajo, another piece in this collection. It could seem to be an intentional declaration of a conduit between male and female expectations, and how they relate to dreams and reality. However we see it, Ala celebrates a movement from old traditions of female subjugation, to a new culture that promotes women’s empowerment and appreciates their dreams.


147.32 cm x 147.32 cm


Oil and acrylic


United Kingdom

SKU: WAA-2022-20221005205500 Category: