Iruwe (Blossom) Olokun Gallery

About the Artwork

An artist’s imagination runs like vines under the earth, stretching out beneath all of civilization, ever observing and pondering. While it does this, an artist goes through the process of being fed. Most of the time, these activities happen beneath the surface. And to the naked eye, it would seem like the artist was dormant, inoperative and unwilling to work. More often than most, the artist is cast in hazy light and removed from the columns of regard by his peers. The reality is that after observance, vines may not contain the earth anymore and new seeds must begin to sprout. Evolution is always an expression, and an artist learns this the hard way. Iruwe is how the artist chooses to depict his coming to time. As it is evident throughout his collection, Iruwe is inspired by the Olokun Heads. The artist has been through a process of learning while carrying a countenance of dormancy. His choices of elements and style are an attestation to this fact. The artist believes that now that he has sprouted and blossomed, he has come into a new season of prosperity and recognition. In Iruwe, the artist embraces his past of reticence as a necessary phase for his breakthrough, with the belief that if a seedling wasn’t strong enough to push from the earth it was buried under, then how could it be able to survive sunlight?


147.32 cm x 147.32 cm


Oil and acrylic


United Kingdom

SKU: WAA-2022-20221005204305 Category: