

About the Artwork

Title: "Ephemeral Symphony" Description: "Ephemeral Symphony" is a captivating digital artwork that transports viewers into a realm of ethereal beauty and fluid motion. At first glance, the piece appears as a swirling vortex of colors, shimmering and undulating in a mesmerizing dance. Closer inspection reveals intricate patterns and textures woven into the fabric of the composition, reminiscent of delicate lace or intricate filigree. The interplay of light and shadow adds depth and dimension to the piece, creating a sense of movement and dynamism that draws the viewer deeper into its embrace. Soft, pastel hues mingle with vibrant bursts of color, evoking a sense of harmony and balance. As one immerses themselves in "Ephemeral Symphony," they are invited to let go of the constraints of reality and surrender to the beauty of the moment. Like a fleeting melody carried on the wind, the artwork whispers of the transient nature of existence, reminding us to savor each precious moment before it fades into the void.


25 cm x 25 cm


Acrylic and Charcoal of Jean Basquiat



25 in stock

SKU: WAA-2024-20240320085532